Net-C became Mailo

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Great news : Net-C became Mailo.

Mailo is a short name, easy to remember and type, a modern and friendly name which works in all languages, a name which will carry our ambitions : deploy an essential alternative e-mail service in France and Europe, an ethical, respectful and responsible service.

Net-C became Mailo, but nothing has changed for you and your correspondents :

– your username and password remains the same
– your e-mail address has’nt change, nor will your other Net-C addresses if you have any
– your correspondents still contact you at your current address
– your packs (Premium, Family…), if you have subscribed to any, remain unchanged
– the current configuration of your mail software and apps still works
– all the current domain names remain available

You therefore can keep using all the features without having to change your habits.

With this new impetus, we’ll enhancing the webmail interface. This smooth and gradual change will last until the end of the year, and we will communicate closely with you.

If you want to create a e-mail address, you do not need to create a new account, but can merely create an alias (an alternative e-mail address) in your current account. In the webmail, choose Options then Aliases and create a new alias. You can choose to use one of your aliases as your main e-mail address.

Feel free to give us your opinion and ask your questions in the comments below.

Dernière mise à jour : 15/04/21

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